It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Monday, October 14, 2013

Feeling inspired!

 In love with Origami Owl Core Values - I'm still in my journey... loving every minute of it so far...

is to be a
women of all ages
to reach their
them to make a difference in the lives of others

Thursday, September 26, 2013

It has been a Journey....for sure!

Thank you to those who looked at my page today! I know - There is nothing worse than checking out a blog and seeing it hasn't been updated in a while- this has been a journey for sure! I apologize. I don't know anything about Blogs but I know that I have great hopes for this one. I just recently was at a staff assembly again through work and another inspirational speaker nudged my inner blogger! It was Neil Pasricha - the blogger of 1000 awesome things... he started blogging about one awesome thing that happened to him each day and he has been documenting at least one thing a day before going to bed consistently. It was a very inspirational speech he gave yesterday. That has been my intention for this blog - document one great detail that made my day each day... I guess I have to apply his advice and incorporate structure into my life :) I have not give up on this! - many things have happened since March- I can't wait to share, share share... Thank you!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Loving the Design Process

I am finding  little ways to make this blog more visually appealing - I want to be able to share my favorite websites, and keep a running photo slide show of all the things that catch my eye, whether it is food, fashion -a cute shoe or accessory, some amazing piece of furniture, interior design inspiration, art just images that inspire me and put a smile on my face. 

Origami Owl saved my creative soul...

So- I've been in a creative slump... and just coasting along.  I was feeling a little guilty for not following up and keeping up with this blog.  So one day my daughter brings a catalog home - and at first I though it was another school fund raiser... When I looked more carefully I realized it was a catalog for lockets - but not just any lockets.  These are unique lockets that allow you to personalize them with unique charms that you can add inside... I was intrigued... I mentioned it to my co-workers casually and they said it sounded interesting that I should host a party. So I called the rep on the back of the brochure - who happens to be my daughters bff''s mom...I asked her if I could see them in person.  And I went to her house to check them out!  The rest is history... as they say. I loved them ever more in person.  I booked the party and decided to sign up as an independent designer.. everything about this young company appeals to me.  It really embodies my life motto "its all in the details" I love the concept and the idea you can really help someone make something very meaningful and personalized. So I've had to plan a party, create a Facebook page-Itsallinthedetailsorigamiowl, set up my own webpage- and play around with other types of media like Pinterest and play around with images in picmonkey, so yeah definitely this adventure is helping me get the creative juices flowing... I just started, so I'll see where it takes me, but for now I feel very inspired.  I love the way they set up "Jewelry Bars" and display the lockets and charms.  I am excited to see where this goes.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

No quenching of the soul here...

Its all in the details... open your eyes, stop and smell the flowers. So much beauty in this world...surround yourself with beautiful things that inspire you... that's what my soul keeps screaming from way inside of me...This is the main reason I started this blog... just to document things that inspire me...beautiful little details that add to my life, my surroundings... not about material possessions...or spending money just finding inspiration and beauty. Taking the time to create every day, giving my imagination free rein.