It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Finding-answer-prayers - Live Sparkly

How do you live sparkly?

It's all in the details is a way of life for me... 
If you know my story you know that I truly believe that it's the small details in life that add up to a whole lot of wonderful.

I try to never compromise adding a little extra into everything I do.  My life has evolved tremendously over the years but at the core I have always paid attention to details. The more I experience life and I grow I realize that at the end of the day those little details become the big things and the memorable things you keep close to your heart.

Living sparkly to me is just that - taking the time and caring about the way we live every day. Showing your light everyday from the smallest interactions to the big things you are trying to accomplish.  The mere fact that the smallest gesture like a genuine smile can turn someone's day around for the better inspires and motivates me to do it every chance I get. You just never know who needs that smile at that precise moment.  I think living sparkly is also a way of life.  We have the choice to choose how we will face the day and if we are willing to make a positive difference in this world and in the lives of others.  I welcome you to read my live sparkly story by clicking on the link above.

I am so happy I have found a way to empower, motivate, inspire and make a difference in the lives of others through Origami Owl and that my prayers have been answered in the most unexpected ways.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”
~ Swami Sivananda