It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Throughout my recent life journey (I want to say the last three four years), I have come to learn so many valuable lessons. I’ve always had this deep desire to achieve, to accomplish to reach a certain level of success and happiness in life and I struggled so much with depression and anxiety because things didn’t seem to go my way or the way I had hoped or planned. I was bogged down with negative thoughts and feelings for many years, yet deep down inside I knew there was a better way. I could not understand why I could not be happy. I have everything I ever need and more, yet I felt a void. So I started asking God to help transform my thoughts. To find joy in everyday life, and so this is how this blog came to be.  I started searching for answers, soul searching and looking for a life coach (which I found- I’ll tell you more about her).  I started enrolling in personal development seminars and started reading self-help books.  One thing lead to another in the perfection of my path and little by little I have learned that it all happens for a reason for the greater good.  It takes time and willingness to learn and be open to receive.

I will be blogging more about this as I gather my thoughts and kind of chronicle the steps and the doors that have opened and closed.  But for now I can tell you that I am focusing on letting go and letting God more than ever.  I have laid a lot of ground work, and effort along the way but sometimes the best thing to do is to let go and accept the perfection of the now.