It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Friday, September 14, 2018

Let’s talk about the power of focus

This is a post I shared with my team last month. I have been using the advancement career trackers for my business and I have promoted in the last couple of months. Speaking from experience I do have a new found respect for these tools, that can be applied to any aspect of our lives.
If you have goals (which you should) in whatever area of your life including your business, you have to be SPECIFIC ie: I want to lose x amount of weight in x amount of weeks, I want to reach story builder by the end of the month, I want to promote to x by convention etc.
The next are just as important I can’t stress enough: your goals have to be MEASURABLE (use trackers- there are health trackers, budget trackers, business trackers for a reason).
EXCITING!!! Omg if you are not excited to see your progress or reach your goals no matter how big or small you are cutting yourself short, might as well not even try because you are just going to get frustrated. (πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️ I speak from experience).
REALISTIC: another one that is important and not an excuse to keep yourself small ok? A goal is something we are shooting for, we are reaching for πŸŽ― we are growing into but we do have to take realistic steps to get there. Many of us work full time, many of us are busy stay at home moms, wives, sisters, daughters, friends, co-workers, volunteers, students, etc etc so we must learn to prioritize our goals and work towards them effectively by being intentional with our time,15 minutes of personal development, 20 minute walk, 10 meal prep, you get the drift. You know how much time you can waste, you know how much time you need to be effective - everyone is different what is realistic to me may or may not be realistic to you but it is still realistic to you if you make it so or create it so ( however it looks for you). Just know your limits and allow yourself to stretch without snapping or burning your candle from both ends. Be nice to yourself!!! (Be FLEXIBLE) πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
To Recap make your goals:


The power of focus has been one of the concepts I have been working on in the last few months, and it's funny how life brings forward opportunities to apply our intentions (ask and you shall receive). At the end of the day we have to look at them as opportunities and fulfillment of our life purpose and deepest heart desires.

You totally got this! πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’•

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Getting ready to go to the Origami Owl annual convention in a couple of weeks and I am so excited!

I find that I feel at my absolute best when I go to convention - I feel so energized, inspired and excited.  I get to share with my teammates and fellow designers one of the best experiences ever!

There is  personal development, fellowship, friendship, recognition, inspiration, and lots of freebies -Oprah style EVERYBODY GETS ONE!

From the very fist convention I always feel like something magical is happening when I am at convention. I felt it the first time and continue to feel it six years later.

There is a bigger purpose here for me and I have learned to recognize the journey and look back at it with so much gratitude.

I am excited for what's to come - there will be reveals for our upcoming fall product- it never disappoints, on the contrary, just when I think they can't possibly outdo themselves they do!  They totally outdo themselves and blow my mind!

It is so rewarding to be associated with a company who is so in-line with my core values and who is innovative and modern, and a Force for Good!

I'll try to do better at documenting my experience here on the blog, I usually just share on my social media.  I still have great hopes for this little blog of mine.

Even if I am the only one reading it!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

I cannot believe it is already mid June!!

Half the year has gone by and there are still many things to accomplish. I suppose this is a good time to re-visit your vision and inspiration board and do a spot check of what you have accomplished already and what you can re-focus  your energies on.

I am so happy to say that I finally promoted to Team Manager on the Origami Owl career plan!  I know this had so much to do in my renewed intention to work on my vibe to attract my tribe.

I really mentally released the need to cling on to those who did not show much enthusiasm and intentionally worked on the way I feel.

This quote I found on a simple google search was a catalyst for me to find that release and focus on my personal intentions and goals.
After that I focused on working on my well being, I started implementing some physical activity into my weekends, morning sessions of reformer pilates and walking. I focused on my surroundings, de-cluttering and beautifying my spaces. Just overall working on my vibe. This inspired me to start approaching my team with enthusiasm and not desperation or frustration and left the rest to God.

I began to show true appreciation for every level of effort my team has been making and sending out some happy mail. These include a personal sentiment and a small token of appreciation and wow the impact was definitely felt.
I realized that if I practice what I preach - It is truly all in the details....

So happy to have come to this realization and in achieving this milestone in my beautiful journey with Origami Owl.  Looking forward to so many more milestones for my team as I encourage them to achieve their dreams and SOAR with me.

Monday, January 8, 2018

What I have learned about vision boards

What I have learned about Vision and Inspiration Boards

I have known about creating vision boards for a long time, and I have read through the years that most if not all successful people really use these tools to envision their future and to achieve the success they have dreamed of.
I must say that I seriously started creating vision and inspiration boards around 2014 myself, shortly after starting my Origami Owl business. Even then I did not understand and realize what creating one really entails. I remember attending a vision board seminar sometime around 2013 and really loved the process of cutting images and random words and sticking them on a "board' but then what.?  I have used Jack Canfield's vision board kit in the past and I love that you can save them for reference as volumes (almost like a book) as the years progress but you can also start with a sheet of paper, a story or presentation board made of foam core or a cork board or frame. 
Your brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmations and images of your goals, you are destined to achieve them! - Jack Canfield
Aside from gathering the materials to build one physically or digitally (I prefer creating a tangible one but I also use The Subconscious Vision Board App for affirmations on my I phone ) In my experience, I have learned that there are three key elements that must be considered before even starting the process of putting a vision board together.

After you have cut out pictures and phrases and gathered inspirational quotes and stickers or have purchased your vision board kit find a quiet and open space where you can really spread out. It could be your bed, the floor, your desk or a dinning table and consider these things: 
  1. Create the right mood - It is proven scientifically that scent fragrance and music have a huge effect on mood and can influence your mindset.  Therefore I recommend really paying attention to your surroundings when you are getting ready to create your vision board and also setting the right mood and being in a good state of mind.  You want to be in the best possible mood, and high vibe energy. So I recommend lighting up a candle or diffusing your favorite essential oils Moodology and turning up some high vibe music -anything that gets you in a good mood, that is soothing and upbeat (no sad songs).  I recommend creating your own playlist on Spotify or ITunes or searching for playlists on Spotify for example.  I have one that is called The Highest of Vibes and there is another one called Happy Beats on Spotify.  Did you know that if you have Sirius in your car, you can stream your service on your phone for an additional fee? Yes! and there is a channel called Chill that I really enjoy and recommend so check it out. 
  2. Believe that you are worthy - The next thing to consider is very important - I cannot stress this enough.  You must believe that you are worthy of your desires.  You must understand that your desires are given to you for a reason- that they are a GIFT not a curse.  Your inner being knows which path to take, and it's constantly guiding you and nudging you to your greater good, therefore if you have  a dream or a desire, don't be in conflict with it.  Accept it, acknowledge it and embrace it as a gift.  When you are given a gift you  take it and you should be thankful for it, you don't tell the person why you should not be receiving it or you should not feel guilty for accepting it.  A gift is a gift period.  It was not given to you to mock you, torture you or make you feel unworthy. If this goal, dream or desire is in you - YOU ARE WORTHY.  I find that a lot of us are afraid to even admit what we really want, or we get so caught up in the chaos of life that our vision and intuition is often cluttered or blurred. That is why it is so important to sit down and really listen to our heart's desires, and allow ourselves to admit we have dreams, an a vision of ourselves and our future. Follow this process as a tool to help you get clear.  If we are not crystal clear on what we want and we do not feel worthy of it or deserving, no matter how many boards you make or how many affirmations you say or even if you stand on your head until you are blue in the face, these things will not come to you because you are not allowing the free flow of these blessings to materialize. 
  3. Begin with a grateful heart - Now that we got you in the right mood to receive and feeling worthy this third thing to consider is equally important. You must be grateful for what you already have, and where you are at this moment in time in your life journey.  Because that is precisely what it is a JOURNEY. One of my favorite quotes by Asha Tyson rings true "Your Journey has molded you for the greater good. It is exactly what it needed to be.  Don't think you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now.  And now is right on time".  You are exactly where you need to be at the moment to teach you and to  prompt you to want more and to stretch you to expand in all areas of your life. Life keeps moving forward, you are in it, and you have the ability to live by default or to be intentional with your life. Being grateful again, is a gateway to allowing your path to unfold.  The path is lit up at all times for you, we tend to loose sight sometimes, but taking the time to reflect and acknowledge and be grateful brings us back to our life purpose.  This is Key.
 "You can't create miracles.  They are a gift from the Divine. What you can do is put yourself in the Miracle Zone... that place where miracles are happening every day." —Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman
A vision board can be a vision of your future, your future self (health and fitness), career, financial goals or it can be a vision of where you want to live, what car you want to drive and where you want to travel. It can also be a vision of your spirituality, faith and overall mindset goals if you feel you need to improve on them. One thing that I have learned is that it is ok to want more and to desire material things, but that is another whole blog in itself. We are normally programmed to think material possessions and wealth are decadent, selfish and the root of all evil, but that could be not further from the truth.  I have come to discover that as we prosper internally, we prosper outwardly as well and if our heart is in the right place we can be of better service to the world when we prosper.  We can give more, we can create more and we can be more and hopefully, inspire and motivate others to do the same.  Be the light in this world!  How can we possibly be the light if we are worried or fearful or we are living in scarcity in all levels of our life?  Changing my money mindset has also been of great help to me in coming to terms with my deepest desires and dreams. I would highly recommend diving into changing your mindset surrounding money and wealth if you are struggling with this or if you have been thought this all your life by people who meant well but probably did not know better. There are endless exercises and tools out there that can help us- you can do a simple google search and you will find so much help and insight out there. I will write another blog about that at another time. 

As a bonus I wanted to briefly talk about creating an I AM board - This is an excerpt from my favorite Life Coach's website 505 Living explaining what it is, the significance of an I AM board and instructions on how to create one. This can help you with allowing yourself to feel worthy and begin to realize that you have been perfectly and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
  "The purpose of creating an ‘I AM’ board is to reconnect yourself with your essence, your character traits that you have (now), who you want to be, and how you see yourself if no one had ever judged you for anything." ~ Haleh Giani
How To Create Your "I AM" Board

Two other types of boards I use are a dynamic inspiration board where I pin  ( not permanently glue) things that are inspiring me right now, or items that make me feel good like trinkets, concert tickets, paint swatches etc . This board is interactive and it changes through out the months. The other one is an inspiration board where I glue things that make me happy - things that don't require planning or effort, just things that inspire me and motivate me and put me in a good mood as soon as I see them.
click here: to find materials on Amazon

personal images and some I found on google