Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Getting ready to go to the Origami Owl annual convention in a couple of weeks and I am so excited!
I find that I feel at my absolute best when I go to convention - I feel so energized, inspired and excited. I get to share with my teammates and fellow designers one of the best experiences ever!
There is personal development, fellowship, friendship, recognition, inspiration, and lots of freebies -Oprah style EVERYBODY GETS ONE!
From the very fist convention I always feel like something magical is happening when I am at convention. I felt it the first time and continue to feel it six years later.
There is a bigger purpose here for me and I have learned to recognize the journey and look back at it with so much gratitude.
I am excited for what's to come - there will be reveals for our upcoming fall product- it never disappoints, on the contrary, just when I think they can't possibly outdo themselves they do! They totally outdo themselves and blow my mind!
It is so rewarding to be associated with a company who is so in-line with my core values and who is innovative and modern, and a Force for Good!
I'll try to do better at documenting my experience here on the blog, I usually just share on my social media. I still have great hopes for this little blog of mine.
Even if I am the only one reading it!