This is a post I shared with my team last month. I have been using the advancement career trackers for my business and I have promoted in the last couple of months. Speaking from experience I do have a new found respect for these tools, that can be applied to any aspect of our lives.
If you have goals (which you should) in whatever area of your life including your business, you have to be SPECIFIC ie: I want to lose x amount of weight in x amount of weeks, I want to reach story builder by the end of the month, I want to promote to x by convention etc.
The next are just as important I can’t stress enough: your goals have to be MEASURABLE (use trackers- there are health trackers, budget trackers, business trackers for a reason).
EXCITING!!! Omg if you are not excited to see your progress or reach your goals no matter how big or small you are cutting yourself short, might as well not even try because you are just going to get frustrated. (
ππ»♀️ I speak from experience).

REALISTIC: another one that is important and not an excuse to keep yourself small ok? A goal is something we are shooting for, we are reaching for
π― we are growing into but we do have to take realistic steps to get there. Many of us work full time, many of us are busy stay at home moms, wives, sisters, daughters, friends, co-workers, volunteers, students, etc etc so we must learn to prioritize our goals and work towards them effectively by being intentional with our time,15 minutes of personal development, 20 minute walk, 10 meal prep, you get the drift. You know how much time you can waste, you know how much time you need to be effective - everyone is different what is realistic to me may or may not be realistic to you but it is still realistic to you if you make it so or create it so ( however it looks for you). Just know your limits and allow yourself to stretch without snapping or burning your candle from both ends. Be nice to yourself!!! (Be FLEXIBLE) π

To Recap make your goals:
The power of focus has been one of the concepts I have been working on in the last few months, and it's funny how life brings forward opportunities to apply our intentions (ask and you shall receive). At the end of the day we have to look at them as opportunities and fulfillment of our life purpose and deepest heart desires.
The power of focus has been one of the concepts I have been working on in the last few months, and it's funny how life brings forward opportunities to apply our intentions (ask and you shall receive). At the end of the day we have to look at them as opportunities and fulfillment of our life purpose and deepest heart desires.
You totally got this!