It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Make Sure You Are Happy in Real Life


It has been 10 days without Facebook. I have reached out for it a couple times, all of a sudden I wonder how someone is doing or I want to reach out, but I have been able to do so by other means and that is perfectly fine.  10 days and I do not believe anyone has noticed. There was one person who always liked my posts who has reached out; one out of 605. This need to post every single thought and thing is pretty ridiculous. NOBODY cares!

I have felt relieved for the most part, I kept Instagram, however, I am really trying to stay away there as well. I accidently saw a post from someone doing something I was trying to avoid and it upset me. It is still very toxic for me to even consider coming back. Maybe I never will.  

I spent quality time, watching things that inspire me and feed my brain, creating a vision for my future and prioritizing my finances etc. I believe the more room I make for these things the happier I will be.

This past weekend was a four day weekend for me due the to Martin Luther King Holiday and it was super rainy where I live. We spent most of the days indoors, cooking and napping and spending quality time. What a beautiful concept.  That is precisely my motto - it's all in the details.

The more I give myself grace for not being online and pressuring myself to perform the tasks others expect of me around my business the happier I am, and no one really needs to know that.

I need to make sure I am happy in real life first before sharing any kind of value to others through my social media.

So onward and forward! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Can I survive without Facebook?

Today I made a bold move - I deactivated my Facebook account. I only told my husband and one person who will moderate my groups while I am gone. I may return, I may never go back.  I felt a sudden need to do it, to be bold and determined, fearless.  But can I survive?

Social media and our phones have become part of us, almost like an extension or an appendage and frankly I am sick of it. Do not get me wrong, I have always looked at the bright side of things, and even during the pandemic found ways to let it be a tool for good, to spread joy, positive messages and shine light in the dark.  I have however found myself feeling depleted, and uninspired even a little disgusted with it all. I am not finding joy in any of the groups I belong to, I am so tired of the same heard mentality, everyone is doing the same thing in one way or another, everyone is selling something and very few people are having deep and meaningful conversations.  Not that anyone is reading this blog anyway, but it is for me, for my growth and for my exercise in discipline, consistency and self-expression. 

What if I use the time I wasted daily in enriching my life? What if I finally found the discipline to blog here consistently and continue to learn and build it? What if I now have time to study and get myself certified in my profession? What if I start learning about real estate, investing and finances? What if I re-take my interior design career?  Suddenly I feel hopeful and a bit relieved... 

I could have just logged off but I feel I needed to disappear completely from the 605 people who have front row seats to my life but no input, no meaningful or honest relationship with me. Everyone one is busy living their lives, yet they are tuning in to everyone else and for what?  Who cares! 

I'll be ok- I will survive.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Can I reinvent myself at 50?


I am a self proclaimed late bloomer but how far can I take this notion?

When is it time to finally answer the question - What do I want to do when I grow up?

I know one thing for certain, this life is a journey and nothing is in vain or wasted, however it is time to define my ultimate goals and become laser focused on them.

What is it that I really want?

What makes ME happy?

What sets MY soul on fire?

I think it is valid to ask those questions, knowing God and the Universe have placed those desires in my heart and they are waiting to co-create with me. Waiting for me to decide and create space for those desires to manifest.

I feel it in my bones - this is the year to do it!

What do you want to do when you grow up?