My mind is blown on this lazy Sunday morning, June 13, 2021, on day zero of my 30-day self-challenge, at the perfection of serendipity and divine intuition. All throughout my journey of self-discovery and search for purpose, there have been very clear guideposts, teachers, and angels along the way who have held my hand and taught me so much. All I had to do is trust my gut, follow my intuition, and open my heart to hope and possibilities. Before then, I had found myself in a dark pit where I could not even trust my own gut, I had forgotten to listen to my heart, and I began to distrust my intuition.
How did I get there? I think is irrelevant now; I spent too much time for too long asking those questions only to find frustration, regret, and hopelessness. So instead, I think what is more compelling here for me is what got me here, to the now.
As I close this personal challenge, I stumble upon three major guideposts in this beautiful life journey, and I know none is left to coincidence. The perfection of these three beautiful gifts and how they correlate to one another is breathtaking to me. I am so humbled and grateful and so full of hope.

Browsing social media, I ran across an interview Marie Forleo was conducting of Martha Beck, speaking of her latest work, The Way of Integrity. It is so interesting to me that Martha Beck is someone that is not new to me because angels along the way lead me to her articles on Oprah Magazine and some of her books. I do not know how many years ago a co-worker gifted me her book Finding Your Own North Star. She probably knew that it would be something I would enjoy reading, as I have shared my desire to find my way in life, the gift was very much appreciated, but I never read it; I do not know why. In my constant scramble to seek answers, I have compiled a large library of self-help books, and some have captured my attention, and some have piled up with the great intention to read them one day. The point here is that I had heard of Martha Beck, and when I saw the interview on Instagram, I stopped to listen. They talked about her life briefly and how this book is a great tool to find balance and structure in your life, something I have been actively pursuing in my life for years, but especially in the last 30 days. I was immediately drawn in, and with not much thought, I ordered the book on Audible, started listening, and knew right away I needed it in hard copy. In addition, I also ordered The Divine Comedy from Dante Alighieri because the way she illustrates the steps into integrity and how it correlates with Dante's poems just completely captivated me. I was so fortunate to pick John Ciardi's translation because it makes the reading understandable and relatable. I had never really considered myself an avid reader and more of an art lover than a scholar, but I have grown to appreciate the art of reading and have realized the tremendous power it holds.
Today a Facebook reminder from 2019 popped up, again, no coincidence here. I can't help but share this quote from Jim Rhon, one of those teachers along the way, when he says, "Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process begins". This is truly what got me here, to the now.
I posted that quote from Jim Rohn with this other quote from Einstein I found online.
I can't but feel overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude for the divine protection, inspiration, and gentle and, at times, not so gentle nudging. Again today, when I paused for a moment from reading how to read Dante and the translator's notes, I went on social media where I ran across the app Fabulous; after reading more about it, I discovered it is the perfect tool to help me build the structure my soul has desired for decades. An app that takes you on a journey into the depths of your being and helps you climb three mountains! Foundations, Struggle, and Mastery; If you know Dante and the Divine Comedy, you can see the correlation and the perfection of it all. I am so blown away right now!

I could write for hours today; thoughts are swirling in my head of all the beautiful connections and serendipities, of how Dante was an Aries and how the struggles depicted in the Devine Comedy sparked around when he was 35 years old, time most people and I reach a crossroads in life. I have so much in my heart to share, but I must stop here for now and gather myself.
The beauty here is that I am ready, and that is why I know these things have fallen on my lap today, and I cannot wait to see where this takes me, out of hell into purgatory and onto my ultimate destination, the Paradiso.