It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Where do I begin?! 
Origami Owl has given me such a wonderful creative outlet, one my soul was searching for after I had to put interior design on a shelf.

It has provided me with the opportunity to grow a team and fulfill one of my dreams of mentoring other women, inspire motivate and empower others to succeed. It has afforded me the ability to give back to various charities, like Dress for Success, Cinderella's Closet, Send Me Foundation, Athletes for Education, the Lupus foundation to name a few. Most importantly it has given me the opportunity to work alongside my daughter and teach her valuable lessons about work ethic, philanthropy and self-confidence. And the list goes on!

Find out more here:

Here she is last Friday at a regional meeting teaching other girls how to fold an origami heart- she asked them to write a goal or a dream inside the paper fold it into a heart and keep it very close - she gave them ideas on how to string the hearts together into a garland and/or put them in a frame to always remind them of their dream/goal. Something Bella our founder did for us back when Origami Owl was born. This may have been a simple task but it really empowered her to lead a group and hopefully inspire others to do the same. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Ok - my motto is "it's all in the details" so it should be no surprise that I am totally obsessed with planner decorating now!  How much more detailed can it get?

I have always loved planners, writing down goals, checking off checklists etc.  I had heard and even used color coding for my entries in the past which was pretty enough but OMG when I realized that there is a whole planner community out there and so many inspirational ways to decorate your planner?  I became totally NUTZ as my daughter puts it. 

I adore all the stickers, washi tape, accessories, pens, and just plain creativity involved in the whole process. I have a pinterest board where I follow some of my favorite planners and post some of my newest hauls and latest finds.

This is my latest addition and I am loving the layout and pre-decorated aspects of it!  I love that the rings have a heart in the middle and that you can snap on additional items with such ease.  Yeah that will make it FIVE planners people!   NUTZ I tell ya!  but I LOVE IT!!!

This is my Erin Condren Origami Owl Planner I bought at last year's convention with one of the Chanel inspired paper clips I made myself shown below.. I was inspired by another planner on pinterest and found the images there as well and just went to town!  So pretty!

Of course the first thing I do now is to go straight to the dollar section at Target when I shop there and EVERY time I say I am just looking, I end up with something totally fabulous! I just can't help myself!

I will add all my favorite websites, youtube planners that inspire me and Etsy shops on the right so you can go find your latest obsession as well.