Monday, May 31, 2021
Journey of 1000 steps starts with a brave one
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Fall down 10 times, get back up 11
What is it that creates an insatiable fire within to keep someone going? I think the fire can be there, but creating structure and discipline helps keep that fire going. Why did I not blog Friday and Saturday?
Friday I was really looking forward to coming home, relaxing having a nice evening with my family, and it was fabulous, we stayed up quite late. Saturday I intentionally did not want to have commitments or deadlines. Again, enjoyed the downtime and really did not do much. I tried blogging but I just did not have the inspiration. I ask myself why? I see so many people fired up and going and going at 110% or so it seems. That begins to play with impostor syndrome for me. I begin to question why do I even bother writing basically just for myself, who is making me write for 30 days? I realize that this is precisely the area I need to work on, consistency, discipline and commitment to my own self. Doing the easy thing is quitting and not keeping my commitment, but deep down inside I know that this is not what I truly want. But what is it that keeps that fire going, what brings that passion that never wants to stop?
One of the things I am learning is that creating consistency requires planning and goal setting. Aloting designated time to do a certain task. I am going to try this on the days I have left of the 30 days. Use my agenda and assign a certain specific time to blog. I am not going to hammer myself down, and feel bad, I am going to focus on the positives this exercise is bringing to the foreground.
Below, is what I was looking forward to after a hard and stressful week, a relaxed fun time with my family with some great music, toasted crusty bread, bruschetta, a nice and spicy bloody mary with giant Spanish olives, and cocktail shrimp. I went live on my Facebook group and had a nice time. Those were the beautiful details that filled my evening, and I have no regrets because at the end of the day IT is truly all about the details...
Thursday, May 27, 2021
You have the power to make a change
I have experienced for years, coming home from work tired, stressed, and worn out, and I flop on the couch or bed, and all I want to do is sleep. Sure we all need that once in a while, very valid, but this can have lasting repercussions if it becomes a chronic habit. It certainly did not help my anxiety which then turned into depression. Why? Because I was repeating the same patterns of thought, the same behaviors, the same routine, and not giving myself a chance to try something else. And the worst part is that the more you give in to the same patterns of behavior, the worse you feel, and it is literally a circle of insanity. So today, I challenged myself to push through, and even if I wanted to come home and lay down, I put on my shoes and work out clothes and walked the dog, then I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I can truly say I have no regrets. I invite you to break out of the norm, try a different route, switch it up, try something new, and share what you feel. I know I am probably writing only for myself...but that's ok.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
You've come a long way baby
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
You Are Not Alone
Today was a much better day! I think we all have the ups and downs in life, and sometimes it is just ok to let them be. For years I fought against my feelings, suppressing them, criticizing them, judging them, which led me to anxiety and depression. The more I continued to fight against it and not really take the time to understand myself or allow myself to feel, I started to experience physical symptoms, pains, aches, stomach issues, skin issues, numbness, and tingling in my extremities. You see, if you do not listen to your inner voice, that voice gets louder and louder, and if you still do not listen, life has a way to put you in situations where you have no choice but to listen. Why do some of us have to wait until that happens? If I can help one person realize that making adjustments as soon as something feels off and not letting them get to extremes, I will consider myself very blessed. I had to learn the hard way; no one told me these things.
I suppose most people do not know better; no one really explains those things to us. We think we are wrong or wrong with us physically or mentally, and we seek medical help. Most doctors do not understand or treat the root of the problem and offer relief that masks the feelings even further, sometimes creating a bigger down spiral problem. I am not against medication when necessary, or there is a clinical imbalance, but in my own experience and opinion, that was not the answer for me. I knew there was a better way; I knew there was something deeper I needed to find in my heart. Why am I writing about this? This was not necessarily the plan, but I truly believe it is a very relevant topic. Especially now during mental health awareness month. So many people feeling lost, confused, and claustrophobic after COVID.
I started this blog to try and understand my feelings and allow myself a space to express my thoughts and document my blessings. Sometimes it is difficult to see what is in front of you and count your blessings. Even worse, and what I was going through, I knew I had everything to be happy, and I was just not feeling it, making myself feel worse and like I was taking things for granted. So I set out to blog and document the little things in life, to stop and notice and take joy in life's simple pleasures.
As I sought and searched, I came across information about mindset, spirituality and I started studying both clinical and spiritual aspects that affect the mind. I became fascinated with how they correlate. I grew up in a religious environment, and many of the mindset and spiritual principles outside the church were highly frowned upon. I started finding scriptures about the renewal of the mind and reading about neuroscience, and it all came together for me. It made so much sense, and I started building my mindset muscle and finding a closer relationship to my higher power. FASCINATING, to say the least, to me. Then one day, everything came together, and I started going to vision board events but soon realized that they often do not explain why you are doing this or how it works. The concept poured to me like a divine download, and I created Vision Board 101 for Ladypreneurs. I took a certification course through Udemy, and I got certified as a therapeutic art life coach, which includes creating and facilitating the creation of vision boards among other forms of art to help clients heal, reduce stress, and use positive affirmations and imagery to visualize positive changes in their lives. Vision boards are a powerful tool to help create the vision of our lives, hopes, and dreams and to set specific goals. I have learned through this process that the timing does not have to be perfect, that I do not have to be perfect, I only have to be one step ahead of someone that is going through what I went through, and I can share my experience and knowledge to help them along the way. Just like this blog, perhaps my course is not perfect yet, but I can start making progress and learning as I go and share my experiences even in the messy middle. We do not all "arrive" the same way.
Part of my course offers different types of vision and/or inspiration boards, and I find that sometimes an inspiration board is a great step to get your creative juices flowing; before diving into deeper visions for your future, you must be in a positive state of mind, and an inspiration board is less intimidating and more fun to make. You just pick images and messages that inspire you, spark joy and motivate you, and you arrange them more in a free-flow style. This board is to raise your vibration and put you in a good mood when you see it. One of the main principles of creating these boards is making sure that you are open and in a good state of mind when you create them. You can see the steps on this blog where I shared what I have learned about vision boards. I later refined my thoughts with the course I created, and I plan on writing an ebook about it.
Monday, May 24, 2021
Ups and downs
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Life happens - keep going

This whole exercise is about finding balance in my life, but keeping consistent and building the discipline muscle to do what I say and say what I do. So all I can do today is blog, fess up, but move on. On the one hand I feel good about cleaning some of the things I really wanted to take care of this weekend, and do the laundry, I have come a long way about laundry. Another story to tell at another time around that, but I got it done and I feel good. I cooked a late dinner, had some drinks and listened to music with my hubby, it is truly about the details. THE NAME OF THIS BLOG.
Today is Sunday - I have no plans, no timelines, no deadlines. Today is about relaxing and doing what I want to do. I am going to work on an inspiration board before diving into the vision board, then go to storage and grab some of my vision board items, take care of taking a picture I need to upload to my poshmark closet. This is just me thinking out loud but setting my intent for the day. Everything in creation has structure - we must listen to the hints life gives us. I have been seeking structure in my life for years or structure is seeking me. Sure, I have structure in some areas already; it is necessary to live and thrive, but I have found that we can live at our highest potential when we stop and assess what and which areas need structure in our lives and focus on one area at a time until we build a whole new beautiful, strong thing called our best life as opposed to living in autopilot and out of habits that are not serving us.I am excited, to build healthy habits in my life, I truly believe structure has been seeking me for years. I also believe this is the main reason my soul lead me to this blog. To build structure, the habit of creating, adding value to the world and to stop, noticing, making a pause to count my all my blessings. I will persevere, I will not look at all the time that has lapsed since I begun writing this blog. I have gone through so much transformation over the last 10 years - nothing was in vain, it was all meant to be.
Friday, May 21, 2021
The vision is in your heart
Tomorrow will be the day I finally listen to one of those whispers and gather all of my vision board materials and have the actual creative process. Follow my own method and re-visit my notes. I will spend better part of the day creating. Those whispers are there for a reason, the more we ignore them and suppress them the louder they get and if we continue to ignore them anxiety sets in, then depression. This is the main reason why this happens, we are not allowing our true self expression flourish. Life keeps sending hints, so we must learn to be still and listen to them. I am setting out to do just that.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Culture of Progress
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Analysis Paralysis
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Figuring it out
Monday, May 17, 2021
Get back up and keep going
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Hope and faith the size of a mustard seed
So today as part of my commitment and promise to myself to blog every day for 30 days I am here to write from the heart. I have learned so much in the last 10+ years about myself, my path, my purpose. It has taken so many shifts of mindset and learning so much about state of mind, and learning how emotions drive our lives and what we chose to experience. I learned from some of the best the last five years and throughout the years, and some people who three or four years ago were exactly where I am now. Having all this life experience and desire to share an make a difference. The only difference between them and I is that they took action and went for it despite of fears, or the need to be perfect. They took imperfect action and went for it, they gave themselves grace and followed their heart, and their gut. I know I have so much to share, and now I know it does not have to be perfect. I can share and continue to grow and continue to learn and share what I learn even in the messy middle. Will you join me in this journey in the pursuit of the possibilities I can find at the other side of fear?
Friday, May 14, 2021
Never Give up
I am so excited to share with you what I have learned the last 10 years. The process of self discovery and personal development, always feeling like I was running out of time and I was wasting time. Not knowing it was just perfect and right on time.
I was challenged to give something my attention for at least 30 days and be consistent. Can I blog for 30 days in a row, every single day? Yes I can. Even if no one is listening - I can use that time for myself and to focus and gather my thoughts, organize my thoughts and what I have learned. One thing I do truly believe is that knowledge is to be shared. I have gathered so much knowledge and have made it my lifestyle to share on my social media, but social media is so instant and fleeting, things get lost on a feed.
I will recommit 10 years later to this blog and promise to myself to write even a little bit every single day starting today May 14th, 2021.
See you on the other side!