It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Figuring it out

The beauty of google. I simply googled free countdown clocks and voila! found one here: and installed on the blog just to make myself accountable and give myself a visual reminder that I am able to accomplish this task of blogging for 30 days. Check it out to the right of this entry. Nothing fancy but I did it! I realize that I am blogging free flow, not really structuring thoughts or even sentences, but the point is that I am actually allowing myself that free flow in ideas. So I realized that just by taking action and being intentional I am allowing myself to create. I was at work this morning and had to pull out a piece of papper because I was mapping out some thoughts. I have felt stuck literally for years and it has only been due to not taking action. This feeling of being stuck and not taking action in the things I want to do, has made me anxious and depressed. Through out this journey I have gained so much insight and knowledge...but I have held myself back, and sabotaged my own progress. Why? Fear
Fear to find out truly what my full potential is, fear of not being perfect and not knowing what I am doing, fear to let myself down again or feel like a failure. Honestly Covid really was a blessing in disguise, becasue it allowed me to face my fears head on and to learn to truly surrender, and most importantly do the very thing I set out to do when I started this blog. Take the time to count my blessings and notice the little things.

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