It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Thursday, May 27, 2021

You have the power to make a change

 They say that the definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over and expecting a different result. To me, and what I have come to learn, is that it is all about choices. We have the power to make a change, make a decision, take a step. On the other hand, we choose to remain where we are and keep seeing the same results. Today's lesson and theme were about overcoming stress and managing stress by trying something out of the ordinary. It was about doing something even if I am not feeling like it.  I have learned that when we do not want to or feel like doing something, those are the moments where we have that opportunity to make a choice. It is again the power of focus. What do I want to focus my energy on?

I have experienced for years, coming home from work tired, stressed, and worn out, and I flop on the couch or bed, and all I want to do is sleep.  Sure we all need that once in a while, very valid, but this can have lasting repercussions if it becomes a chronic habit. It certainly did not help my anxiety which then turned into depression. Why? Because I was repeating the same patterns of thought, the same behaviors, the same routine, and not giving myself a chance to try something else. And the worst part is that the more you give in to the same patterns of behavior, the worse you feel, and it is literally a circle of insanity.  So today, I challenged myself to push through, and even if I wanted to come home and lay down, I put on my shoes and work out clothes and walked the dog, then I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I can truly say I have no regrets.  I invite you to break out of the norm, try a different route, switch it up, try something new, and share what you feel.  I know I am probably writing only for myself...but that's ok.

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