It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Thursday, September 26, 2013

It has been a Journey....for sure!

Thank you to those who looked at my page today! I know - There is nothing worse than checking out a blog and seeing it hasn't been updated in a while- this has been a journey for sure! I apologize. I don't know anything about Blogs but I know that I have great hopes for this one. I just recently was at a staff assembly again through work and another inspirational speaker nudged my inner blogger! It was Neil Pasricha - the blogger of 1000 awesome things... he started blogging about one awesome thing that happened to him each day and he has been documenting at least one thing a day before going to bed consistently. It was a very inspirational speech he gave yesterday. That has been my intention for this blog - document one great detail that made my day each day... I guess I have to apply his advice and incorporate structure into my life :) I have not give up on this! - many things have happened since March- I can't wait to share, share share... Thank you!!!!