It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Friday, May 3, 2019

Let go and let God

Eight months ago... wow that was the last time I wrote something here.

Have been wanting to find my groove and place in the world in the last few months. I have really learned to ease back and start allowing things to flow in the last 8 months.  I have such deep desire to have some significant contribution and I get frustrated when I do not see my perceived ideas of what that could possibly mean.

One thing for sure is that the recurring theme has been "Let go and Let God".

I have stressed myself to the point of sickness trying to control circumstances and focusing way too long on the things that are missing or not working. This has been a long long process - so much so that it was the reason why I started this blog in the fist place.

I decided I would pay attention to the little things and stop focusing on trying to see big things happen in my life.

My worst fear is to be mediocre, live a mediocre life, have a mediocre business, be a mediocre person. Some times I feel I am on my way but somehow I keep missing the point. Just by the mere fact that I exist and I am here makes me NOT mediocre.  I have a life purpose.

I must say that through out these few months I have experienced true miracles, and feel more and more at ease with my life. I even feel an underlying sense of hope and that is exciting, considering I was in a deep hole of sorrow for many many years.    I do know now that EVERY single situation, thing and person in my life has gotten me to the now.

I choose to live one day at a time, one moment at a time and focus on my happiness with now.

I don't even know how to organize my thoughts today - but I will try and write my feelings more every day.  I keep feeling the nudge to do the following and I am writing them here for accountability to myself:

  • Meditate every morning for at least 15 minutes
  • Journal every morning and every night
  • Work out 20 minutes a day
  • De-clutter - make room for the new
I am challenging myself to do this for the next 30 days.

I have to listen to my inner being... and see where it takes me.