It's all in the details...

a lifestyle blog celebrating all those little details that make life special


Sunday, May 30, 2021

Fall down 10 times, get back up 11


What is it that creates an insatiable fire within to keep someone going? I think the fire can be there, but creating structure and discipline helps keep that fire going.  Why did I not blog Friday and Saturday?

Friday I was really looking forward to coming home, relaxing having a nice evening with my family, and it was fabulous, we stayed up quite late. Saturday I intentionally did not want to have commitments or deadlines. Again, enjoyed the downtime and really did not do much. I tried blogging but I just did not have the inspiration. I ask myself why?  I see so many people fired up and going and going at 110% or so it seems. That begins to play with impostor syndrome for me. I begin to question why do I even bother writing basically just for myself, who is making me write for 30 days?  I realize that this is precisely the area I need to work on, consistency, discipline and commitment to my own self. Doing the easy thing is quitting and not keeping my commitment, but deep down inside I know that this is not what I truly want. But what is it that keeps that fire going, what brings that passion that never wants to stop?

One of the things I am learning is that creating consistency requires planning and goal setting. Aloting designated time to do a certain task. I am going to try this on the days I have left of the 30 days. Use my agenda and assign a certain specific time to blog.   I am not going to hammer myself down, and feel bad, I am going to focus on the positives this exercise is bringing to the foreground.

Below,  is what I was looking forward to after a hard and stressful week, a relaxed fun time with my family with some great music, toasted crusty bread, bruschetta, a nice and spicy bloody mary with giant Spanish olives, and cocktail shrimp.  I went live on my Facebook group and had a nice time.  Those were the beautiful details that filled my evening, and I have no regrets because at the end of the day IT  is truly all about the details...

1 comment :

  1. I really should read starting a blog for dummies, I have no idea what I am doing! I saw there were literally two comments from 2018 I had to moderate - here I was moping because I felt no one was listening. OMG...this will become something I do declare today May 30 2021
